

A delegation from Guangxi Chamber of Commerce in Fujian Province visited Better Technology Group Limited.

On the afternoon of December 15th, Executive Vice President Li Luotang, Executive Vice President Wu Jiafa, Vice Chief Supervisor Liang Xingjun, Director Feng Tao and members Nong Haihua, Wang Duanlai, Hou Liping from Guangxi Chamber of Commerce in Fujian Province with Able Villager Liu Liangyou came to Better Technology Group Limited for business tour. Mr. Liu Junming, the general manager of our company, provided a warm reception.

"Happy work, Happy life" -- BETTER held "Points Exchange Happy Event" successfully

On Dec. 10, 2021, all members of Better Technology Group Limited put aside their busy daily work and joined in the Points Exchange Happy Event for December in the company, enjoying the joy and pleasure brought by the happy event.

Company Name Change Announcement

On Dec. 3rd, 2021, upon approval by Xiamen Jimei Market Supervision and Administration, our company name has been changed from "Better (Xiamen) Power Technology Co., LTD." to" Better Technology Group Limited ", and we have completed the procedures for the company name change and obtained a new business license issued by Xiamen Jimei Market Supervision and Administration.

With professional technical to make customer's battery factory project rapid expansion and production

Since April 2021, #BETTER has sent 6 groups (15 colleagues) to different countries and regions to provide local customers with installation, commissioning, technical guidance and other services.

BETTER’s "Hero’s Triumphant Return" welcome party, staff outward bound training and Mid-Autumn festival activity was successfully concluded.

In order to make everyone feel relaxed and happy in their busy work, and to celebrate the safe return of BETTER’s "hero" and enhance the team cohesiveness, BETTER organized the staffs to go to the beautiful village in Tongan, Xiamen, to carry out the "Hero's Triumphant Return" welcome party with the theme of “A toast to the victory, A rescue to the failure”, as well as the outward bound training and moon cake gambling activities.

Correct use and maintenance methods are of great benefit to extending the service life of lead-acid batteries

Correctly learning the use and maintenance methods is of great benefit to prolong the service life of the battery.

"Excellent Performance Management System Building Training Camp" employee training session held by Xiamen BETTER was successfully concluded

In order to motivate employees more scientifically and effectively, to carry out the company’s performance management work more deeply, to ensure that the company's mission and objectives can be implemented step by step, and to promote the company's better and faster development, from October 19th to 21st, 2021, all employees of Better (Xiamen) Technology Co., Ltd. carried out a two-day training event for the "Excellent Performance Management System Building Training Camp" at the China Science International Collaborative Innovation Center.

At the moment of the epidemic, Better Power Tech guarantee the speed of delivery and logistics

In the past two years, although factors affected by the epidemic still exist in various countries and regions, we have not slackened our efforts in all aspects of products and services, and have actively implemented 4P service standards into practice in actual production and operation.

The power of the motherland is supported by the people. Dear motherland, I wish you a happy birthday!

On the occasion of your 72nd birthday, All employees of Better Power , Wish you : happy birthday!

Action! #BETTER staff went into the community to support PCR testing

During the outbreak of epidemic, as a rising enterprise with a sense of social responsibility, BETTER spontaneously organized employees to participate in volunteer service activities in the community, mainly responsible for assisting and guiding community people to queue up orderly, assisting in registering sample registration codes, verifying registration codes, etc., and taking practical actions to effectively help maintain a safe and efficient PCR testing sequence, Provide a strong guarantee for epidemic prevention and control.

Congratulations to BETTER for becoming a member of China Industrial Association of Power Sources

Recently, Better(Xiamen) Power Supply Technology Co., LTD. (Better Power) formally joined the China Industrial Association of Power Sources and became its member.

Well-known magazine PB-S. AMERICA interviewed Polly, chairman of BETTER Power Tech

Pb-S.AMERICA, a well-known magazine in the lead battery production chain industry in South America, interviewed Polly, Chairman of Better (Xiamen) Power Technology Co., Ltd.

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