
The power of the motherland is supported by the people. Dear motherland, I wish you a happy birthday!

2021-09-30 18:33

72nd anniversary

Warmly celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China

The times are like songs,

On the occasion of your 72nd birthday

All employees of Better Power ,

Wish you : happy birthday


Thank you for being strong,

So that no matter where we are,

There is always a solid force in our heart to guide us forward.


A few days ago, Huaweis Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou,

Under the expectation of hundreds of millions of people of the motherland,

Finally ended 1028 tormented days and nights,

Return safely to the embrace of the motherland!

Meng Wanzhou said in his speech,

"Where there is a five-star red flag, there is a beacon of faith.

If faith has color, it must be Chinese red. "


Yes, it's not just Meng Wanzhou,

As long as the Chinese compatriots are in danger,

The motherland will make timely moves at critical moments.


On August 23 this year,

Four engineers from Better Power ,

At the Chinese Embassy in Afghanistan and the Chinese Embassy in Iran,

And with the help of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China and the relevant departments of Xiamen City,

They Were able to successfully embark on the road back to China.

"If there is no war, you dont know how fierce the war is, and you dont know how strong a country is if you dont go abroad",

This is when our Better Power engineers talked about a thrilling evacuation from Afghanistan.

The most sincere feelings brought about by the strength of the motherland.


Dear motherland,

You will always be our strongest backing,

You will always be our strongest support!

You will always be our deepest confidence!


Dear motherland,

Once again, I wish you a more prosperous and peaceful future!


And Better  (Xiamen) Power Technology Co., Ltd.,

We Will also continue to stick to the post and firm mission,

Continue to export more made in China to the world,

Let Made in China beautify the world”!

Let the world perceive the power of China!

Contribute to the prosperity of the motherland!

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