
Better company held a celebration party to welcome the "hero" colleagues to return with honors

2021-08-25 10:26


At 10:00 am on August 18th, Better (Xiamen) Power Supply Technology Co., LTD was very lively and warm. POLLY, the chairman of the company, led all the staff to wait in line to celebrate the "hero" colleagues ALEX, SANVER and JAY coming back from the quarantine period. At the same time, flowers and blessings were sent to them.

Video: Better company held a celebration party to welcome the "hero" colleagues returning home with honors

In April 2021,  Better held  "globe trekker without flinch, safe triumphant success" pledging conference, mobilize and motivate team members in a positive state of mind, high morale, strong sense of responsibility and mission, epidemic prevention and control under the particular historical period and enormous work challenge, to provide customers with more quality and efficient service.


After the start of the meeting, the team members set out in batches

In order to better fulfill the company's commitment to customers, Better team  sets out in batches to customers in various countries around the world,, and provided on-site installation, commissioning, guidance and training, technical support and other project services. "Success of Ping An Triumph", Better  team has been praised by customers for its spirit of unafraid of challenges, brave pursuit of dreams and pursuit of excellence during the three months overseas. Especially in the process of equipment installation and debugging, the focus, professionalism and independent innovation of Better team not only completed the project delivery as scheduled, but also made new improvements to the functional application of lead-acid battery production equipment, which enabled the rapid expansion and production improvement of the customer's battery factory project, and was deeply supported and recognized by the customer.


real pictures of the team's overseas business trip

Today ,at the celebration party, ALEX, JAY line according to overseas business trip what have seen,and heard, focus on "creed " and "persist" professional ,freely talk about  feeling and experience,keep the  faith, embrace responsibility with passion, down-to-earth, with their own practical action to improve service quality and technology level, truly consider it for the sake of customers,wholeheartedly for  the customer service . After that, POLLY, chairman of the board, gave a summary speech,base on the performance of the team overseas, approved  their achievements, and also explained the company's future strategic planning. She hope that all the employees of the company will not forget the original aspiration, be pragmatic and enterprising, make persistent efforts to truly implement every work.


Cut the cake and share the food


Better (Xiamen) Power Supply Technology Co., Ltd. is an innovative enterprise that provides lead acid battery manufacturing equipment and turnkey solutions for complete sets of equipment.Better headquartered in Xiamen, Fujian province, also has offices in Shantou, Guangdong and Nanjing, Jiangsu. Backed by China's strong manufacturing supply chain system, the company has advanced lead acid battery equipment research and development, production and manufacturing capabilities, and the industry has been engaged in many years of outstanding mechanical engineers and battery experts, vigorously develop engineering project integration services. Dedicated to provide customers with research and development  design, project construction, complete sets of equipment, installation and debugging, after-sales maintenance and technical guidance in one of the general contracting system integration services. Good product - good price - free planning - one-stop considerate service, which is the 4P service standard established by Better on the global lead-acid battery manufacturing industry, and actively implemented in the actual production and operation process. No matter where our customers are,  our service is available 24 hours a day.

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