
Warmly congratulate our company to obtain a number of new utility model patent certificates

2021-06-04 18:07

This is an era of brand competition,

It is also an era of technological innovation.

For an enterprise,

Product research and development, technological innovation has been the core strength of enterprise development.

Recently, our company has obtained a number of utility model patent certificates issued by the National Intellectual Property Office.

These invention patents are independently developed by our company.

And they will be used in our company's related products and equipments.

In the future, we will continue to actively apply new ideas, new design, new thinking and increase investment in product research and development, technological innovation and other aspects.

More innovative research and development achievements will be applied to BETTER products and equipments,

Strive to realize the corporate mission of LET "MADE IN CHINA" BEAUTIFY THE WORLD. 


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