
Electric bike batteries always cannot be fully charged! The reason is here!

2022-11-24 18:00

Electric bikes are one of the most common means of transportation. Electric bikes are powered by electricity, and stored batteries are the source of energy. Battery is one of the core components of electric bikes. But we always hear that "electric bike batteries always cannot be fully charged and other problems, why? Today, a detailed summary of the several factors which affect electric bicycle battery is for you reference.

1. Temperature influence

When the weather gets colder, the activity of the battery will decrease to a certain extent as the temperature decreases. Since if your electric bike is equipped with lead-acid battery, lead-acid batteries can be stored normally and largely discharged at 25 of ambient temperature, while at 15, the battery charging and storage capacity is only 2/3 of the normal environment, and even loewr. So this will create two feelings, shorter endurance and week power.

2. Scenario influence

Most of the charging piles are distributed in underground garages, carports, and outdoor public area, in Winter, these places are obviously colder than indoor areas, combined with the first point, the colder the ambient temperature, the worse it is for battery charging. So it is easy to cause the feeling that it is not as strong as charging at home”.


3. Adapter influence

Many bicycle adapters are not based on the actual charging current voltage and other parameters to determine whether the motorcycle has been fully charged, but simply use a timer, for example, when the current reduced to 1A within 2 hours, then forcibly cut off the current (until the battery voltage back to restore power), and not to judge whether the overall charging has entered the trickle floating charge stage!


When the adapter actively cuts off the current, the judgment mechanism of the charging pile will be triggered. The plug has been pulled out or the car has been filled, so that the charging pile actively ends the charging. When the adapter resumes working, there is no power input.


When charging in an ordinary socket, the socket will not keep the actual situation of the current charging, so when the adapter returns to work again, it can continue to have power input, so as to ensure that there is enough power to charge into the battery.


4. Combined influence

The actual situation of the electric bike battery may not be the same as our imagination, without charging for a long time, battery fault, connection line fault, etc., the battery may fail to be calculated as a normally charged battery. Therefore, in order to make your electric bike battery more durable, the battery's daily maintenance and good use habits are very important!

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