
Better Tech Group won the "China Export Commodity Brand Certificate" and "Basic Credit Certification"

2024-03-26 16:00

In March 2024, Better Technology Group Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Better Tech Group") obtained the "China Export Commodity Brand Certificate" and "Basic Credit Certification Certificate" issued by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (hereinafter referred to as "CCPIT"). This is the comprehensive recognition and high affirmation of our brand strength and export ability, and also the encouragement and motivation for our future work, which is of great significance for our company to further expand overseas influence, enhance globalization advantages, and improve brand reputation.

lead-acid batteries

Since the establishment of its own brand in 2016, Better Tech Group has always focused on the global battery manufacturing industry, adhered to the high-quality development of the overall situation, forged ahead in the field of high-end intelligent battery equipment, lead-acid batteries, lithium batteries, battery raw materials/accessories and other products, and achieved steady growth in performance and double improvement in development quality. The "BETTER" brand has a footprint in nearly 120 countries and regions around the world.


The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade will verify and certify our company's application for export commodity brands based on the "China Export Commodity Brand Evaluation Regulations" T/CCPITCSC 015-2023 Group Standards, covering nine dimensions: qualification conditions, research and development innovation capabilities, international certification, market recognition, intellectual property protection, global operation, credit system, social evaluation, and departmental penalties, and issue a "China Export Commodity Brand Certificate". Export commodity brand certificate is the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade commercial certification center joint China Council for the Promotion of International Trade commercial industry committee launched China's export commodity brand evaluation business, its legitimacy and effectiveness for more than 200 countries and regions in the world government, customs, chambers of commerce and enterprises accepted, has a wide range of overseas recognition.

battery equiment

At the same time, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade evaluates our company's credit through the basic quality of the enterprise, the ability to perform the contract, the ability to repay the debt, the legal compliance, the comprehensive management level and other dimensions, and issues the "Basic Credit Certification" certificate. This will provide certain support for our company to obtain overseas intellectual property rights, national business environment guidelines, foreign market risk assessment, etc., and provide help for our company to further build a "one-stop" service platform for overseas brands in the battery manufacturing industry.

In the future, Better Tech Group will continue to take this as the driving force, continue to deepen research and development and innovation, actively practice the corporate mission of "Let ‘Made-in-China’ beautify the world", provide higher quality products and better services for global customers, and show Chinese brands and quality to the world.

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